Time to plow through all 7 series of this 1990s HBO sports-based comedy. Interesting that Shannon Elizabeth didn't do nudity in her guest spot on the show despite alluding to it. Looks like a fairly competent tennis player though, particularly when winding up the double-handed backhand.
Tags: Sandra Oh, Krista Allen, Jamie Anderson, Marliece Andrada, Sharon Annett, Garcelle Beauvais, Eugenie Bondurant, Jean Carol, Danielle Ciardi, Keri Crawford, Chrisanne Eastwood, Susan Egan, Shannon Elizabeth, Susan Featherly, Maria Ford, Susan Gibney, Manouschka Guerriera, Lara Harris, Carla Haug, Ginger Justin, Karen Kim, Saveza Landers, Camille Langfield, Nancy Linehan Charles, Lisa Long, Patricia Manterola, Andrea Marcovicci, Liz Masakayan, Lorissa McComas, Devon Meade, Kelly Michael, Tangi Miller,Shannon O'Hurley, Melynda Pecora, Andrea C. Robinson, Julie Sands, Picabo Street, Jennifer Taylor, Tia Texada, Patricia Thielemann, Andrea Thompson, Leslie Ann Woodward, Rachel York
Sandra Oh
33461kb 1min 02sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nightie)
30206kb 36sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in long shirt, panties)
90038kb 1min 39sec 1440x1088 (sports bra, shorts, lengthy)
13725kb 14sec 1440x1088 (sports bra, shorts)
78095kb 1min 26sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress, upskirt)
18438kb 30sec 1440x1088 ('nude' but covered)
37546kb 41sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage, short skirt, upskirt)
36603kb 46sec 1440x1088 (implied nudity)
22403kb 24sec 1440x1088 (two piece bathing suit)
60946kb 1min 07sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress with bra peeking out, various upskirts)
39703kb 43sec 1440x1088 (sports bra, shorts)
65284kb 1min 11sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top)
18461kb 23sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in see-through top to bra, using massager to pleasure herself)
16282kb 25sec 1440x1088 (implied nudity out-of-focus, plenty of cleavage)
26920kb 29sec 1440x1088 (sports bra)
Shannon Elizabeth
68180kb 1min 19sec 1440x1088 (short skirt, upskirt and various times skirt lifts up and reveals panties)
39878kb 52sec 1440x1088 (one piece bathing suit)
65841kb 1min 29sec 1440x1088 (bra)
92145kb 1min 47sec 1440x1088 (side-boob/patch over breasts, implied nudity, panties, allusion to giving hand job, lengthy)
Andrea C. Robinson
8218kb 9sec 1440x1088 (one piece bathing suit)
24755kb 29sec 1440x1088 (one piece bathing suit)
39449kb 46sec 1440x1088 (improvised bathing suit)
38259kb 45sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage)
47841kb 56sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage, short skirt, down blouse and upskirt)
Liz Masakayan
31781kb 36sec 1440x1088 (sports bra and bottoms)
Marliece Andrada
68180kb 1min 19sec 1440x1088 (bikini)
29373kb 34sec 1440x1088 (bikinis)
Eugenie Bondurant
41177kb 47sec 1440x1088 (patch over breasts in spa)
Andrea Thompson
84750kb 1min 54sec 1440x1088 (breasts, plenty of cleavage in see-through singlet top to breasts, panties, lengthy)
29749kb 32sec 1440x1088 (brief flashes of breasts, bra and panties, stockings and suspenders)
Saveza Landers
36448kb 47sec 1440x1088 (breasts, G-string also another girl shows breasts)
Devon Meade
13707kb 17sec 1440x1088 (implied nudity, plenty of cleavage in see--through shirt to bra, sex scene)
Jamie Anderson
44357kb 49sec 1440x1088 (breasts, plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top/T-shirt, panties, shorts, sex scene)
Sharon Annett
71839kb 1min 19sec 1440x1088 (bra and panties also others showing breasts and in bikinis)
Danielle Ciardi and Kelly Michael
77250kb 1min 25sec 1440x1088 (both show breasts and in bikinis)
Jean Carol
30835kb 40sec 1440x1088 (breasts, sex scene)
Picabo Street
22237kb 24sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage)
Nancy Linehan Charles
13271kb 17sec 1440x1088 ('nude' under covers, sex scene)
Tangi Miller
42127kb 46sec 1440x1088 (bra and G-string)
Maria Ford and Keri Crawford
24065kb 26sec 1440x1088 (both show breasts and in G-strings)
Tia Texada
24683kb 27sec 1440x1088 (sports bra and shorts, brief bare back)
Ginger Justin
95760kb 1min 45sec 1440x1088 (bikini top with holes to see her nipples, G-string, plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top, allusion to getting eaten out, lengthy)
Shannon O'Hurley
14237kb 15sec 1440x1088 (hint of breast, bra)
Garcelle Beauvais
30674kb 33sec 1440x1088 (in towel)
Susan Featherly and Lorissa McComas
27364kb 31sec 1440x1088 (both show breasts and bum)
Chrisanne Eastwood
8684kb 9sec 1440x1088 (one piece bathing suit)
Julie Sands
2960kb 5sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in corsetry, G-string)
Manouschka Guerriera
21218kb 23sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top, shorts)
44779kb 49sec 1440x1088 (breasts, sex scene including being taken from behind)
Karen Kim
8419kb 9sec 1440x1088 (implied nudity, sex scene)
Camille Langfield
13647kb 14sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, short skirt)
24818kb 27sec 1440x1088 (brief breasts and bum, plenty of cleavage in open gown)
Lara Harris
9367kb 10sec 1440x1088 (down blouse)
27753kb 30sec 1440x1088 (bra and panties)
Jennifer Taylor
49145kb 55sec 1440x1088 (bra and panties)
Patricia Thielemann
23415kb 25sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in bodysuit)
Melynda Pecora
28460kb 31sec 1440x1088 (flashing breasts, G-string)
Patricia Manterola
34309kb 37sec 1440x1088 (bra and panties in photos)
86876kb 1min 44sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in see-through nightie to bra and panties, girl-girl kissing with Susan Gibney, lengthy)
20808kb 22sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nightie, upskirt)
11230kb 12sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top, short skirt)
Andrea Marcovicci
29230kb 32sec 1440x1088 (bra, implied nudity, sex scene)
Rachel York
32575kb 35sec 1440x1088 (bra, skirt)
Krista Allen
50370kb 55sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in corsetry, G-string, stockings and suspenders)
67645kb 1min 14sec 1440x1088 (bikini)
44476kb 48sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top, shorts)
Susan Egan
27432kb 30sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in midriff revealing top)
36349kb 39sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress that lifts up to reveal panties, in towel, various upskirts)
23637kb 25sec 1440x1088 (sports bra)
Leslie Ann Woodward
10518kb 16sec 1440x1088 (breasts, sex scene)
Carla Haug
3605kb 3sec 1440x1088 (bikini)
34027kb 37sec 1440x1088 (nippy)
107699kb 1min 58sec 1440x1088 (breasts, bum, wearing a strap-on, sex scene, lengthy)
Lisa Long
17813kb 31sec 1440x1088 (breasts)
30386kb 35sec 1440x1088 (couple of women showing breasts and in G-string, another in bodysuit)
6697kb 7sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage in bodysuit)
21434kb 23sec 1440x1088 (breasts, bikini)
10454kb 11sec 1440x1088 (plenty of cleavage)
12702kb 15sec 1440x1088 (breasts from two women)
36090kb 39sec 1440x1088 (girls in bikinis)
31085kb 34sec 1440x1088 (bra, short skirt)