

Yeah, I know I'm behind with series 2 done and dusted but to my defence, I started this series before series 2 began... Anyway, as with everything on the site, it got lost along the way, this time at 3/4 finished stage and it's taken 3 months to finish off. Ah well...

I took a long while to get into Girls, at least 4 episodes, but series 1 of Girls definitely got better the longer it went. Obviously this generation's Sex and the City (a show I completely abhorred) with an even darker edge and some fairly dubious humour (that rape joke early on was pretty awful) and a near unlikeable lead character in Hannah played by creator Lena Dunham. Somehow it works, just, but definitely interested me enough to want to see series 2.

Not really in the mood to say much, but I will say that even though Lena Dunham is a divisive figure, she sure has created something that is very different to most of the stuff that is out there. Where series 1 had a feel of an updated Sex And The City, series 2 has veered so far away from that to the point where it's one the darkest things I've seen on TV.

Yet, I still don't love Girls, it frustrates the hell out of me at times and the second half of the season is depressing as hell. That's not necessarily a bad thing because I'd much rather watch a show that makes me feel something than a show I have no interest in at all, which a fair bit of what I cap ends up being...

And finally, Lena Dunham still has no problem with getting naked, sometimes to the point where you wonder if someone should step in and question this. Not saying I have a problem with it, I don't as you see below, just, oh, I've lost my train of thought...

OK, where was I... anyway, series 2 of Girls turns into this depressing show pretty much during the episode where Hannah meets a doctor (played by Patrick Wilson) and has a mini-affair with him and that's basically the episode and it's the best episode of the series by far, but from then on Hannah turns into a complete mess and it's hard to watch, whether it's the lunacy of her obsessive-compulsive behaviour or that ridiculous cotton swab incident (did love the doctor's reaction to her behaviour). It really is hard to warm to Hannah.

Another thing is the bizarre lengths Allison Williams goes to cover up, which is heading into Julia Roberts-level of paranoia. At least Allison hints at nudity, but it's entirely awkward and while it actually suits her character's princess-like tendencies, it's distracting to watch.

Also, that scene, yes that scene featuring Shiri Appleby is something else.

That time again where I catch up on the Blurays of Girls. Kinda liked this season, better than the last season anyway. Far more lighter than the dark depths of the later episodes of last season, but not without some downer moments, mostly from Adam's sister played by Gaby Hoffmann who was a barrel of laughs. Hannah, who was a mess at the end of series 2 is bright and bubbly and things are looking up, well sort of, she's still cluelessly selfish as ever, the funeral of her publisher was horrible to watch. Her and Adam have at least developed as a couple, but that ends badly in the final episode. Marnie's still Marnie, Jessa still a whole lot of nothing although her plot does involve bringing in Richard E. Grant playing a maniac drunk and a great dinner scene with them and his daughter played by a near unrecognisable Felicity Jones. Shoshana becomes a grump, but a pretty funny grump especially when she starts bagging out everyone or attacking Marnie in the final episode.

As with every season, there also a large array of deleted scenes, seemingly more this series, at least 30+ with a couple of extra nude scenes from Lena Dunham (see below), which is pretty requisite now, but they cut out an entire plotline where Marnie becomes a spin cycle instructor which now seems baffling. Plus more talk about that embarrassing YouTube video of her singing that Edie Brickell song, never a bad thing.

Being sitting on this series for a while, mainly because I was hoping to get the Bluray of the series, but I was not able to (also I really couldn't be bothered...). The Blurays of the series always have deleted scenes and there's always extra stuff to cap. Ah well...

Last of the videos from the final 5 episodes of the series plus collages from the series. Can't get my hands on the Blurays, so the usual extra deleted scenes aren't available. There's usually some extra Lena Dunham nudity because why not?

I'm pretty much done with Girls, Lena Dunham's character is so obnoxious it's unbearable to watch, not that she wasn't always sort of obnoxious, but now it's every fucking minute and I'm begging for an episode that focuses on one of the other characters. Even the Basic Instinct rip-off scene was unbearable. All I'm thinking is surely someone tells Lena that this is stupid, it makes the character look unrealistic and just plain ugly. I think the sixth series is the final series. If it continues the way series 5 went, then good riddance.

So that's it, the last of the Girls updates, thankfully... I liked the final series significantly more than series 5, well, except for the first episode which was at series 5 obnoxiousness. That episode with the sleazy writer was pretty annoying too. But Hannah having to face reality was a lot easier to watch. And the men of the show got more of a go the longer the series went and the male characters were what gave the show levity against obnoxious moments.

I still don't know why I started watching the show and then continuing on until the end. Madness...


Tags: Lena Dunham, Allison Williams, Zosia Mamet, Jemima Kirke, Becky-Ann Baker, Shiri Appleby, Vanessa Ray, Jenny Slate, Gaby Hoffmann, Kelly Bartnik, Alice Strange, Lena Hall, Marianna Palka, Julia Garner, Lizzy de Clement, Ashley Williams, Daisy Eagan, Rubyrose Hill



Lena Dunham

Allison Williams

Zosia Mamet

Jemima Kirke


Becky-Ann Baker

Gaby Hoffmann

Shiri Appleby

Vanessa Ray

Jenny Slate

Kelly Bartnik

Lena Hall

Marianna Palka

Julia Garner

Lizzy de Clement

Alice Strange

Ashley Williams

Daisy Eagan

Rubyrose Hill




Lena Dunham


268226kb 4min 01sec 1920x1088 (bum, 'nude' under covers, sex scene taken from behind, extremely lengthy)

113572kb 1min 46sec 1920x1088 (breasts almost full frontal, sex scene then masturbated on, lengthy)

40004kb 36sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress almost 'nude', stockings)

53234kb 47sec 1920x1088 (in gown)

99680kb 1min 35sec 1920x1088 (panties, lengthy)

49996kb 46sec 1920x1088 (breasts, panties)

5574kb 6sec 1920x1088 (brief bra)

143338kb 2min 06sec 1920x1088 (breasts almost full frontal, bra and panties, sex scene, lengthy)

4238kb 3sec 1920x1088 (upskirt)

33696kb 37sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, very nippy)

281690kb 4min 14sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in T-shirt, shorts, down blouse, extremely lengthy)

58112kb 51sec 1920x1088 (brief breasts, in shower)

74004kb 1min 10sec 1920x1088 (in jumpsuit)

27758kb 25sec 1920x1088 (breasts almost full frontal, brief bum, strategic 'nude')

3852kb 4sec 1920x1088 (upskirt, deleted scene)

21336kb 20sec 1920x1088 (strategic 'nude', bloopers)

47088kb 41sec 1920x1088 (strategic 'nude' with Allison Williams in towel)

16366kb 14sec 1920x1088 (breasts, sex scene)

118468kb 2min 42sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, shorts, massive down blouse, very lengthy)

21502kb 19sec 1920x1088 (bra and panties)

389096kb 6min 02sec 1920x1088 (breasts, see-through mesh top to breasts, extremely lengthy)

80886kb 1min 15sec 1920x1088 (breasts)

226240kb 3min 44sec 1920x1088 (breasts, bum, panties, long jumper, sex scene, extremely lengthy)

67180kb 1min 02sec 1920x1088 (full frontal and rear nudity. in shower, in towel)

11236kb 9sec 1920x1088 (bum, panties)

45164kb 1min 04sec 1920x1088 (sex scene)

26906kb 40sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, panties)

17352kb 16sec 1920x1088 (panties pull down on toilet)

44496kb 41sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, panties)

145752kb 2min 26sec 1920x1088 (breasts also Jemima Kirke shows breasts, side-boob, in bath, lengthy)

47742kb 44sec 1920x1088 (see-through mesh top to breasts, extended scene)

49484kb 46sec 1920x1088 (breasts, panties, deleted scene)

83950kb 1min 18sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, panties, extended scene)

37230kb 42sec 1920x1088 (breasts, bra, sex scene)

184798kb 2min 51sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, shorts, various down blouses, deleted scene, very lengthy)

59356kb 55sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, panties, blooper scene)

12270kb 15sec 1920x1088 (dress pulled up to reveal panties, blooper scene)

114696kb 1min 47sec 1920x1088 (breasts, sex scene, lengthy)

24014kb 23sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nightie)

19088kb 18sec 1920x1088 (upskirt throughout)

30166kb 30sec 1920x1088 (upskirt throughout)

28292kb 27sec 1920x1088 (breasts, panties)

15682kb 15sec 1920x1088 (breasts, panties)

503068kb 8min 38sec 1920x1088 (bikini, nippy, extremely lengthy)

38400kb 35sec 1920x1088 (upskirt also upskirt from other girls)

84648kb 1min 34sec 1920x1088 ('nude' in bath with hint of nipple, lengthy)

44942kb 41sec 1920x1088 (bum possibly in G-string, wet see-through bra and panties, nippy)

82250kb 1min 16sec 1920x1088 (breasts, in towel)

144248kb 2min 21sec 1920x1088 (breasts, panties, aborted sex scene, lengthy)

74778kb 1min 09sec 1920x1088 (breasts, sex scene)

81426kb 1min 16sec 1920x1088 (breasts, sex scene taken from behind, deleted scene)

3794kb 4sec 1920x1088 (flashes breast, deleted scene)

30776kb 28sec 1920x1088 (bikini top and bottom, deleted scene)

11338kb 19sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in singlet top, down blouse)

28009kb 49sec 1920x1088 (strategic 'nude', plenty of cleavage, panties, sex scene)

26633kb 26sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress, jelly wrestling with another girl who is in a bikini)

3194kb 5sec 1920x1088 (bum crack)

12817kb 34sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nightie, on toilet)

24776kb 27sec 1920x1088 (peeing)

39483kb 47sec 1920x1088 (breasts, nippy, sex scene)

63192kb 1min 48sec 1920x1088 (plenty of cleavage in nice dress, lengthy)

19594kb 22sec 1920x1088 (hint of bush, flashes breast, plenty of cleavage in T-shirt)

1903kb 1sec 1920x1088 (upskirt)

9390kb 20sec 1920x1088 (full frontal and rear nudity)

20459kb 42sec 1920x1088 (breasts, sex scene)

14044kb 16sec 1920x1088 (T-shirt, panties)

31043kb 41sec 1920x1088 (bush, plenty of cleavage in singlet top)

34356kb 34sec 1920x1088 (one piece bathing suit)

24048kb 23sec 1920x1088 (sports bra)

62387kb 2min 10sec 1920x1088 (Lena D. in sports bra and panties with down blouse, Lena Hall. in sports bra, Lena D. eating out Lena Hall. then Lena Hall finishing herself off, girl-girl kissing, lengthy)

7637kb 19sec 1920x1088 (uncrosses legs to reveal bush)

53783kb 54sec 1920x1088 (allusion to giving a blow job)

1287kb 1sec 1920x1088 (brief bra)

15812kb 23sec 1920x1088 (bra and panties)

15944kb 17sec 1920x1088 (takes dress up to reveal panties)

198274kb 3min 13sec 1920x1088 (flashing bush, one piece bathing suit, extremely lengthy)

10650kb 10sec 1920x1088 (flashing bush, edit of above scene)

11864kb 11sec 1920x1088 (breasts)

15483kb 15sec 1920x1088 (dress rides up to reveal panties)

171578kb 3min 53sec 1920x1088 (full frontal and rear nudity, sex scene including being taken from behind, extremely lengthy)

59989kb 58sec 1920x1088 (hint of bum crack, bikini, in towel)

119220kb 3min 09sec 1920x1088 (breasts, panties, extremely lengthy)

14507kb 15sec 1920x1088 (panties pulled down, on toilet)

29308kb 51sec 1920x1088 (breasts, G-string, possible camel toe)

14581kb 19sec 1920x1088 (brief breasts/arm covering breasts, sex scene)

74576kb 1min 28sec 1920x1088 (breasts, G-string)

25772kb 30sec 1920x1088 (breasts, plenty of cleavage in singlet top, nippy)

12274kb 18sec 1920x1088 (breasts)

103586kb 2min 16sec 1920x1088 (full frontal and rear nudity, 'nude' in bath, lengthy)

207945kb 3min 50sec 1920x1088 (brief breasts, panties, extremely lengthy)